Greeting cards come in all shapes and sizes. In fact, we at BestoPrint have more than just 8.5” x 6” printed greeting cards, we also have 10” x 7” and 7” x 5” greeting cards. The various sizes allow us to accommodate nearly every purpose for your greeting card, whether you’re talking about a simple holiday greeting, an anniversary announcement, or something else.
The process of creating an effective greeting card starts with the graphic design. You can have any picture that you want on the front of your card, whether it is a photo of your core staff or a beautiful sunset. We have a design team that can do the layout for your greeting card printing. Best of all, our design services are free with every print order.
Options for 6 x 8.5 greeting cards printing
Here is an overview of some of the things we offer for every order of 6 x 8.5 custom greeting cards:
Cardstock - Every order is printed on 80lb or 100lb cardstock. You can always request different cardstock for your greeting cards to add your own personal touch.
Color - We print every 6 x 8.5 greeting cards in full CMYK color. For those who prefer spot colors and don’t need the full color palette, we can also use the Pantone Matching System for spot colors.
Cutting - Are your envelopes just a little shorter than you remember? We can cut your greeting cards to the size you need.
Die Cutting - Die cutting is not only used for rounding corners, you can make your mark with different designs etched right into the card.
Embossing - Make your greeting cards a little more special by giving it texture with embossing.
Glossy Paper - Not only can you print your order on 80lb or 100lb cardstock, we can also make that paper glossy for you. We have a special coating which can turn matte into gloss.
Mailing Services - We can print, stuff, stamp, and mail your greeting cards right from our office. Get in touch with our customer service team at 571-530-7277 for more details.
Scoring - We can score the paper for your printed 8.5” x 6” greeting cards, making them easier to fold at the office.
This is only a small representation of the services that we offer here at BestoPrint. If you’d like to learn more, or if you have custom printing services in mind, give us a call.
Why BestoPrint?
★ Free shipping and handling
★ Free graphic design with every print order
★ Unbeatable customer satisfaction guarantee
It’s time to get your order started! Just upload your artwork, and we’ll have your cards back to you soon!
Explore our 7" x 5" Greeting Cards for a smaller alternative and Anniversary Invitations Cards for celebrations.