Want to get your message out to the dorms, apartments, or neighborhood? Fire up the old-school marketing campaign with some 5” x 8” door hangers. Get your message across, offer some deals, and get your future customers excited about the deals that you have to offer. At BestoPrint, we offer all of the material you need to make a direct mail campaign work.
Need some information about best practices on 5 x 8 door hangers printing? We’ve got a graphic design team that will be more than happy to take you from the barest of ideas to a full-fledged product with only your sketches to work with. Our team is available, free with every printing order, just to give your door hanger printing the boost it deserves. We’ll take your printing to the next level.
What do you look for when printing door hangers? We’ve got it.
Custom die cutting - Want to make the doorknob hole a star or a heart? BestoPrint makes sure that you get the designs you want for your custom 5” x 8” door hangers.
Embossing - Do you have a seal or a stamp that you’d like to see on your printed door hangers? Embossing places a design in relief on the thin cardstock, making it stand out to those who read it. You can definitely make an impression with your future clients.
Full Color - While black and white give your door hanger the retro look, there’s nothing that compares to having color on your door hangers. A photo here, accented spot colors there, and you’ll print something that it truly unforgettable.
Gold Foiling - Perhaps a little off the beaten path, but gold foiling makes your door hangers stand out with a little shiny elegance. It’s a cost-effective way to make your mark on your audience.
Perforated Coupons - When you get door hanger printing, you can put a coupon down at the bottom. Make sure to make the coupon an especially good value, and you’ll have people coming to your place in droves.
Why BestoPrint?
To sweeten the deal, we’ve also got a few more features for your printing pleasure:
● Free next day shipping and handling
● Top-notch custom quality satisfaction guarantee
● Free graphic design service for all printing orders
It’s time to get printing! Start by filling out the options in the drop downs. You can also give our customer service department a call at 571-530-7277.